On New Years Resolutions

12 Jan

Well, it’s 2014 now, and with a new year comes that sense of a new start, a chance to improve ourselves, our lives, and everything that goes with it. A chance to feel like we live our Pinterest lives. I’ve noticed this year, more than others past, that a lot of people have decided to stop making traditional New Years resolutions, though. I don’t know if it’s because they always seem futile or go unachieved, or if they just feel trite, but more and more I’m seeing my friends opt out of the tradition.

I, on the other hand, love New Years resolutions, for the same reason I try to give things up for Lent, even though I’m not Catholic. I love the challenge, and there’s something about these resolutions that hold me more accountable than other goal-setting situations.

So what does 2014 have in store for me?

Write More.
This year I want to write more often. My goal is to post at least one blog post a month, in addition to my playlist posts, and to send more snail mail to my friends and family. I would also love to start journaling again, and eventually to sign up for a creative writing class, but I think two tangible goals is a good start.

Gossip Less.
There is a fine line between sharing and gossiping. I understand the need to vent every once and a while, but those times when you finish talking and immediately feel guilty about what you’ve said? That’s what I’m trying to eliminate. Instead, I’d like to focus on spreading the positive about people. Be the silver lining, not the cloud.

Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck.
Every year for the past few years, my goal has been to get out of debt. I’m still working on that one (thanks to a year+ of unemployment after college), but this year I’d like to focus on a more tangible, less lofty financial goal. I’d like to stop having to check my bank account before grocery shopping, stop draining my account every month. It’s admittedly tough to do this with a series of big-ticket items on the budget (lots of travel plans for 2014!), but it’s time to start acting like a grown up with my money, and not just spending it because I have it.

Go to At Least Two Fitness Workshops.
This year I jumped head-first into the world of Spinning, but in doing so I let my certification go down to the wire before participating in two self-study programs to keep it current. This year, I’d like to partake in at least two hands-on workshops to keep my certifications current. Yes, they’re a little expensive, but they are more rewarding than reading and taking a test.

2013 was a good year for me. I feel like I hit my stride and found what I’m supposed to be doing. Now it’s time to grow into those roles, and keep the momentum going in a positive way. Happy New Year, y’all!

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